Volume 4, number 1
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Kacem B, Belouatek A, Benahmed A, Semmoud A, Addou A. Study of spontaneous crystalluria for the lithiasic patients before and after surgical treatment. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2007;4(1)
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Published online on:  30-01-2016
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Study of spontaneous crystalluria for the lithiasic patients before and after surgical treatment

B. Kacem1, A. Belouatek1, A. Benahmed2, A Semmoud2 and A. Addou1

1Laboratoire (STEVA), Facult? des sciences, Universit? de Mostaganem 27000 (Alg?rie) 2Laboratoire (LASIR), Universit? de Lille 1, Bt C5 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex (France)

ABSTRACT: The study of the crystalluria is badly codified examination since it does not emerge always clearly to the eyes of the clinicians because of its difficult interpretation linked most of the time, to the imperfectly conditions of its realization. To check most if the crystalluria could help to predict the composition of the stones, it at the same time we follow the patient to avoid the maximum attempt of stone recurrence, we have studied the urine of 147 lithiasic patients before and after the surgical treatment of their stones, the frequency and the nature of the crystals have been compared to those ones observed in the waking urine in the subject of healthy persons studied in the same conditions. 234 first waking urine of lithiasic subjects before and after surgical interventions were examined using polarization microscopy to look for and identify an eventual crystalluria. Patients were divided into two groups (before and after surgical treatment). The result are expressed in sort of majority crystalluria. The whole frequency of the positive crystalluria was 94% for the groups, (98.6% before the operation and 86.2 after the operation) about twice more than the one observed in normal subjects. The crystalluria of the nature oxalate of calcium was far away as far as concerns the one of crystalline sort 30.3% before surgical treatment and 25.3% after the treatment. The average pH of the urines of lithiasic subject occurs between 5.59 and 7.66 in the sum is inferior to 7. That means more acid than those of healthy subjects. The whole results show that the positive crystalluria of lithiasic patients has fall down after the surgical treatment than before the treatment of 98.6% to 86.2%. The crystalline sort of the type weddellite is more frequent for the two sexes before or after the medical treatment, we also notice the total elimination of frequency of urate precipitation for the two sexes after the surgical treatment than before the treatment.


Lihiasic; crystalluria; treatment surgical; calcium oxalate; pH

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Kacem B, Belouatek A, Benahmed A, Semmoud A, Addou A. Study of spontaneous crystalluria for the lithiasic patients before and after surgical treatment. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2007;4(1)

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Kacem B, Belouatek A, Benahmed A, Semmoud A, Addou A. Study of spontaneous crystalluria for the lithiasic patients before and after surgical treatment. Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 2007;4(1). Available from: https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=5502

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